Saturday, July 30, 2011


Best Decision? ~
Breaking up might have been your idea. It could be that you, your partner or both of you were caught in destructive behaviors that could only be stopped by ending your relationship.
Maybe there was abuse of some kind involved. Or perhaps the troubles in your relationship were less overtly damaging, but they seemed unresolvable and the dynamics were making you both miserable and unhappy.
As much as you know, deep down, that ending your relationship and moving on with your life was the “best” decision, your heart might feel broken. Even though this seems like the wisest decision for all involved, you may be having a difficult time truly letting go of your ex and the relationship.

Honor What You Feel ~
Human beings are complex creatures. Despite what is often portrayed in movies, none of us are one-dimensional. We all have “good” attributes and “bad” ones-- and many many other tendencies and characteristics that fall somewhere in-between.
If you are having a difficult time completely letting go of your ex, it makes sense. As hurtful and difficult as he or she might have been, it could also be the case that there were positive aspects about this person that you now miss.
And all of these conflicting memories and feelings are probably making you feel even more broken hearted!
We don't recommend that you force yourself to vilify your ex and we don't advise you to put him or her on some sort of pedestal of perfection either.
If you are feeling torn up inside with competing memories of your ex and your relationship, stop fighting with yourself.
It's perfectly okay to acknowledge that the two of you shared some wonderful times together and also that you shared some horrible times together. Just allow yourself to be with whatever comes up for you-- it doesn't have to be totally one or the other.
When you let yourself recognize that you, your ex and your relationship are all a mix of the “good,” the “bad” and the in-between, you can start to be more at peace with where you are.
You may find yourself relaxing a bit into what you are feeling because you are letting it flow rather than resisting it.


Let Go? ~
So it's been over for a while. You've tried your best not to ring her or see her. Perhaps you've done the opposite, and sought her out at every opportunity, and rung her when you knew you shouldn't. Either way, you still can't stop thinking about her, and although you may have tried various ways to distract yourself, you can't get her out of your head. Unrequited love is frustrating, painful, and not that uncommon. I've watched quite a few of my close friends experience this kind of heartache to a horrendous degree. I too, have found myself pining pathetically away over a lost love. It's hard, and it hurts. But you can, and will eventually let her go and move on. (My own experience XD)

If the time comes and you still feel the love for her? Don't hesitate to give another chance and be happy once again. There is always hope. Ü

My Hope ~ Ü

Friday, July 15, 2011

Tattoo On My Mind

Considering A Tattoo?

Getting a tattoo is serious business. There are health concerns, and the tattoo will be with you for a long time, so it is essential that you get something that you feel comfortable with. Don't listen to people who tell you that tattoo removal is easy. It may be easier now than it was years ago, but it is still fairly painful and quite expensive. Don't count on using tattoo removal as a potential out, instead, make the right decision in the first place. These are questions that you should ask yourself now, as you are sitting at the computer reading this article, rather than when you are standing outside of a tattoo parlor, with your friends pressuring you to choose a design.

Tattoo Qs
~ Is the tattoo trendy? If so, then you will likely be happy with it for the next year or so, until everyone else starts showing up with the exact same tattoo. Then you will look like you are following the crowd, which seems to defeat the purpose of getting a tattoo, which is a pretty individualistic statement in most cases.

~ Where do you want to put the tattoo? On the one hand, the point of getting a tattoo is so that other people can see it. On the other, there are some people who you will not want to see your tattoo. How many people do you know who have tattooed their knuckles hold down a well-paying job? Consider what social situations you find yourself in. If you are still a student, imagine what the future may bring.

Is the tattoo artist talented? Ask to see a portfolio of his or her work before you commit to getting a tattoo put on your body by that person. Can he do custom work? If so, can he show you examples of previous custom work? It is best to go with a tattoo artist whose work you have admired on another person who can assure you that the artist has good communication skills and can translate what you say you want done into excellent artwork.Finding a good tattoo artist is much like finding a good hairdresser, only with a tattoo, it doesn't grow out if you are not satisfied.

Is the tattoo artist professional? You want to make sure that the person who will be sticking ink-filled needles into your skin is not using any substances that might alter his judgment. You also want to make sure that you go to a tattoo parlor that is very clean. Check with the city department of health to see if it has any black marks on its record.

Can you see it through? Before you commit to getting a tattoo, let the artist use an empty needle on the location that you want to get tattooed so that you'll know whether or not if you can handle the pain for the hours that it can take to get a tattoo.

If you are certain that you want a tattoo, and choose the right artist and the right design, not to mention the right spot on your body, chances are, you'll be happy with your tattoo when you are eighty years old. That's the important thing; imagine yourself when you are eighty. Will you still like your tattoo then? If you think so, then most likely you have made the right choice.


My Personal View:
I'm planning to get one in the near future. I'm considering a Celtic Knot or Sword (Which means Beginning and Ending) and or an Ouroboros (Which means Eternity) in my wrist or my first choice, a Spider (Symbol of  mystery, power and growth and in my opinion Artistic probably on how they form their webs).

I found  some Spider Tattoos on the net while I'm searching. These are from one of my favorite tattoo artist, Mike Devries. Ü

Looks real huh? XD

From a girl's neck ~
But I'm also considering this one, a Celtic Knot Sword my Favorite so far and I think it will nicely fit in my wrist. :D

My Future Sword! :)

-- END! Ü